Internasjonal utstilling i Kristiansand

Den 18. mars tok ungene og jeg turen til Kristiansand og deltok på utstilling for første gang siden august ifjor. Marrous deltok i juniorklassen og Fedra i championklasse. Marrous ble 2. beste hannhund mellom to championhanner og Fedra ble 4 beste tispe så vi er godt fornøyde med helgen. Det ble ingen bilder fra ustillinga men Karina filmet. 


March 18th did I attend to an International show in Kristiansand. Marrous in Juniorclass and won his class with CQ. In best male he competed against two championmales. He ended up with 2nd best male and CAC. Very proud of my boy.

Fedra in championclass was placed 2nd in the class with CQ and she ended up as 4th best female. Very happy with the results and a good start of 2018 showyear.